Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Absent Girlfriend and Religious issues....
I dropped Jenn off at the airport at 4:00am this morning and she headed off to sunny ol Orlando for some theater experience. Yay for her =) I am going to miss her however. Its funny, you dont think much of it while she's here, how much you care for her and how much you feel incomplete when she isnt around, but the second you have to sleep by yourself and dont have her to roll over hits you a little rough.
The religious aspect of this post is that is is Ash Wednesday. Now I am not a fact I am a registered, ordained minister for the Universal Life Church of Modesto California. In WV I can legally perform preistly acts. So if you need marrie, burried, or baptized, come to me! Since I am my own minister, I sort of concoct my own religion. I believe religion is an extremely personal thing that resides in each persons heart, mind and soul. I dont believe too much of any "segregation" of religion, rather I like to blend each part I feel is important into my own style. I like the idea of lent. Therefore, this year I am giving up fast food and soda for 40 days. Not only does this show my devotion by giving up something I am addicted to, it also will help me lose the 15lbs I am trying to drop.
Does that liquid "Hollywood" diet work? I dunno. I am gettin ready to watch American Idol. I like Taylor Hicks...just cant get enough of that Joe Cocker looking mother fucker.
Who do you think will win?

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